"It's no secret that our economy is struggling. Unemployment is at 7.2 percent and the state has lost 72,000 jobs over the past two years.
The job issue won't fix itself. Utah legislators have been ineffective in addressing the job and economic crisis. This past session they dodged the important issues by wasting time with "message bills" and other non-issues.
With a state budget shortfall projected around $100 million, many of our lawmakers have neglected to propose solutions that create jobs and increase revenue.
Gubernatorial candidate and Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon presented his job plan for Utah ("Corroon wants tax break for companies," Tribune , June 10). His plan strengthens Utah's economy by supporting Utah's most important asset, its small businesses.
Utah has the highest number of small businesses per capita in the nation, and the current state government's strategy of attracting big business leaves bright-minded entrepreneurs and working families behind. Without raising taxes, Corroon's plan will invest in our future while putting Utahns back to work.
I am excited by Corroon's plan and look forward to hearing his other inventive solutions for Utah."