Saturday, March 28, 2009

I am Julia, Hear Me Roar

Duplicity, writer-director Tony Gilroy's followup to 2007's Michael Clayton, is a generic yet romantic spy movie. Basically, it's Ocean's 11 -- except with slightly less testosterone and a lot more Julia Roberts.

The film follows Claire (Julia Roberts), a former CIA agent, and Ray (Clive Owen), a retired MI6 operative, as they attempt to swindle two large U.S. corporations out of millions of dollars. As the film begins, Claire and Ray have an awkward run-in in Dubai, which sets the stage for much of the film's conflict. For the next 125 minutes, Claire and Ray can't seem to trust one another. Through a series of flashbacks they kiss, undress, fight, and repeat -- all while planning to outsmart two competing organizations.

While the lover's quarrels are slightly repetitive, the film does have a secret weapon -- Julia Roberts. Hollywood has desperately been searching for a replacement for Roberts for years (see: Jennifer Garner, Rachel McAdams, Katherine Heigl, etc.). While each of those actresses are fine ingenues, none can fill Roberts' enormous shoes. At 41, Roberts continues to light up the screen with her gaping smile and her quiet self-confidence. Her work is effortless, and she even tones down her custom "cuteness" (you only hear her trademark guffaw once) -- much to the benefit of the film.

As great as Roberts is, Owen does his best to keep up. He doesn't have Roberts' star quality, but the pair's chemistry is undeniable. They screamed at each other with raw emotion in 2004's Closer, but their fights in Duplicity steam with sexiness. In fact, their sex appeal is what keeps the film afloat.

Duplicity is too long and Gilroy's script is often unfocused. The back-and-forth between the two corporations can get tiresome, and the confrontations between Claire and Ray don't show much depth. However, without Roberts, the film would probably be entirely forgettable. And because of that, go see Duplicity, because after a five-year break from leading roles, it's just nice to have Julia back.

Grade: B

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