Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rule #1: See Zombieland

Rules are made to be broken, and that's why Zombieland, Hollywood's latest "zombie comedy," succeeds. In making Zombieland, Director Ruben Fleischer threw convention out the window, and the result is a movie that's a killer good time.

Our protagonist is Columbus, a rule-obsessed virgin in search of his family. Played by Jesse Eisenberg, Hollywood's new go-to geek (sorry, Michael Cera, your ship has sailed), Columbus neurotically lives by a long list of rules regarding the undead. For example, the most obvious rule is "do cardio" because fatties can't outrun zombies. Watching Columbus' rules play out over 80 minutes is part of Zombieland's massive appeal.

During his time as a lone wolf, Columbus meets Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), a crazy-eyed, zombie killer on the hunt for the world's last twinkie. (The characters in Zombieland don't refer to each other by their first name, just their geographic locations, as to not get too attached.) While searching for the calorie-laden Hostess snack, Columbus and Tallahassee meet Witchita and Little Rock (Emma Stone and Little Miss Sunshine, Abigail Breslin), two manipulative and savvy sisters.

The group of misfits soon bands together and travels to (where else?) a Southern California amusement park. Their adventures are littered with hilarious zombie encounters and pop culture references. The jokes poke fun at everything and everyone from facebook to Russell Crowe, Hannah Montana even merits a references. Though I'll keep Zombieland's best pop culture encounter a secret, but it'll definitely leave you in stitches.

While it'll never win an Academy Award, Zombieland is a bloody good way to spend a night with the living dead.

Grade: B+

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