Sunday, November 15, 2009

"It's My Turn To Be Brave"

Rules are made to be broken. At least that's what they say, right? That's why this week's quote doesn't come from a politician, Meredith Grey, or a relatively unimportant pop culture personality. Sometimes the most profound statements come from those around you, and that's why today's quote comes from a friend, Tara, over at starting now.

She wrote a pretty wise post about fear this week, and here's an excerpt from the end of the post.

"The last lines of the movie (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) are probably etched into my brain somewhere, I love them so much:

Joel: I can’t see anything that I don’t like about you.

Clementine: But you will! But you will. You know, you will think of things. And I’ll get bored with you and feel trapped because that’s what happens with me.

Joel: Okay.

Clementine: [pauses] Okay.

I’m not trying to get preachy. It’s just that I remembered today that I’d rather live my life trying things and failing and getting my heart broken and feeling all of those crazy, mixed up emotions and all the while holding on to the hope that maybe this time pushing through the fear will lead to something greater, than live my life in fear of what could go wrong.

I’d rather be brave."

You can read the beginning of the entry here.


TaraGman said...

Jason!!! I'm so flattered and glad you liked that post. Let's be brave together! :)

TaraGman said...

Ooo except the blog you link to at the beginning of the post isn't mine. In fact, the blog you link to is kind of creepy. Here's the address for mine:

Jason said...

Liking is an understatement, Tara. The link has also been fixed. Proofing my post probably would've been a good idea, did COM teach me nothing? ;)