Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Space Between

It didn't take long, but I figured out my problem. I think. The "in between." See the blog title. Pop Culture, Politics and Everything In Between. I've never wrote about the in between. Movie reviews, quotes and cryptic Kelly Clarkson posts. That's all that made up my blog for the last year or so. Maybe I was too focused. Maybe I wasn't. But that's what I'll spend the next little while figuring out - how to write about the in between.

I'm still not sure how to classify that though. I won't ever become a blogger who posts about every life trial and tribulation. I've done that before. I'd rather not do it again. It's not for lack of material. I've got a few "personal doozies" up my sleeve that I need to save for my best-selling memoir when I'm 50. Maybe "Jason" is what was missing before. That's what makes writing (and blogging) special - the writer. Unique perspectives and voices are what differentiate us, and this blog needs to find it's voice again (or maybe for the first time). I'm not writing for anyone other than myself and I'm desperate to find the passion for writing that I once had.

So here's to a new online blogging adventure. I hope I don't give up this time.

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